The film “The Story of One Soul” was created as a response to the current situation in Ukraine and the world. After the outbreak of the war between Russia and Ukraine, the lives of Ukrainian citizens changed dramatically. Nobody could have imagined that in the 21st century people would suffer from hostilities. With the start of rocket attacks and air raids, terror and panic reigned in the city. The main task of the inhabitants was simply survival. During the bombing, people were hiding in the basements of skyscrapers, in the subway. It happened that women gave birth right there, without waiting for an ambulance. Many civilians died.

“The Story of One Soul” is a drama of a woman expecting a child against the backdrop of an unfolding war. On the one hand, the conflict shows an ordinary woman who grew up and started a family in peacetime, and on the other – the impending historical catastrophe. In the movie “The Story of One Soul”, the nightmare of war is shown without the war that the filmmakers are used to. The film focuses on war as a private, existential experience. Tragic events shown through the prism of the female soul. After all, they have more empathy and compassion, they feel more all the sorrow of war, the despair of losing their children.