Man is a complicated creature, not fully researched and understood. The mystery of man will never be fully explained. It is important, however, that man – and only he asks himself questions: Who am I? Why do I exist? How am I supposed to live?

In the artistic project “Sanctum Duellum” I set myself a creative challenge: I start a conversation with my “I”. The aim of the work is to search for and construct the process of internal dialogue in the form of visual images.

The set refers to the aesthetics of Renaissance art. The anthropology of the plot, humanism and pure ancient forms – have become my point of reference. Artists of the Renaissance era were the first to recognize the uniqueness of the human person and made it the main value of their art.

I implement the process of dialogue between my own “I” through the staging of various situations. I build my narrative with the help of glances, facial expressions, gestures, body dynamics. The images of my room, house, city, my mother appearing in the background complement the photographs. It gives a more intimate and personal meaning for my project.